Kids Club
When the international gymnasts compete in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle for the Olympic qualification and world championship title, the “little ones”, whether with their parents or the club group, can experience the world championships in a new, active way.
You’re between 3 and 10 years old? Then grab your parents and come to the Kids Club from 3 to 13 October. At the Open-Times we invite you to explore our world. Admission is free and prior registration is not necessary.
At the Kita-Times you can explore the children’s movement world together with your Kita group. Sign up and your group and come by on October 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th.
School action day
Do you go to school and want to actively experience the World Cup together with your class? Then register now for the school action day on 7 October. In addition to exciting competitions, you can also prove your skills in the SCHOOLINMOTION competition.
Important information: Children may only enter the Kids Club when accompanied by an adult or supervisor. Parents are responsible for their children.
Kids Club
Have fun, let off steam and let your creativity run free – all this is possible in our children’s world of movement. Here seven rooms are available for children aged 3 to 10 years, in which they can move freely. In addition, suggestions are given as to how more movement can be integrated into the normal everyday life of the children, because that doesn’t take much at all.
The Kids Club is open to all from 3 to 13 October and is free of charge. Children may only enter the Kids Club when accompanied by an adult or supervisor. Parents are responsible for their children.
These are the seven rooms
- Gym: It does not always have to be a fully equipped hall. In our gym there are some surprise boxes for you. With the contents the children can give free rein to their creativity.
- Apartement: Just because home can be more than just a place to relax. Almost every piece of furniture is suitable for romping around and trying out.
- Nursery: This room combines movement with language and colours.
- Playground: Because it is a place every child should know. There are no limits to the imagination here.
- Play street: According to the slogan “back to the roots”. There are a chalk scribble, rubber twist and the good old Bobby Car on the program.
- Relaxation room: After every great adventure, even the greatest fighter has to have a small, relaxing break.
- Schools: Because not only the primary school pupils can let off steam here on the school action day.